Top 10 benefits – integrated access control systems for schools and education premises
Mastering the access control systems for schools for thousands of students, multiple buildings across multiple sites with security needs to prevent intruders, thefts or even terror attacks, can seem a [...]
Inner Range’s Integriti V18 updates make it easier to use and more secure
Checking security credentials on mobile devices, scalable vector graphics, Application Layer High Availability for customers who require Enterprise grade reliability and Licence Plate Recognition are among a series of [...]
Capacity increase for Inner Range’s Inception access control system
Inner Range’s access control and intruder system, Inception, has undergone a capacity increase so it can be used in larger buildings. The award-winning product can now accommodate 128 doors [...]
Award win for Inner Range’s Inception access control system
Inner Range’s access control and intruder system, Inception, has been honoured by the Australian Security Industry Association (ASIAL). Inception took the Access Control – Product of the Year award [...]
And the winner is…Inception
Inner Range’s system, Inception, won the 2017 Innovation Award in the Access Control hardware category of the Benchmark Awards. Benchmark is a well-respected publisher and a highly-influential voice on [...]
Inner Range expanding UK sales team
Inner Range, a pioneer of integrated access control and intruder detection systems, is expanding its UK sales team to meet greater demand and increase its UK presence. Kath Rhodes [...]
Integriti improves security and access control for a large college in Stockport
DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY Stockport College is the largest educational establishment in the area with over 4,000 students and 350 staff. They deliver education for school leavers, adults [...]
Healthcare & Medical – United Kingdom
DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY A £35 million programme enabled a UK NHS hospital’s urgent care and trauma unit to be transformed into a state-of-the-art facility, allowing the hospital [...]
Aintree University Hospital – United Kingdom
DOWNLOAD CASE STUDY Aintree University Hospital NHS provides care to 1.5 million residents across Merseyside and the Northwest of England. A £35 million programme sees the Foundation [...]